Tiffany Haddish Opens Up About Eight Miscarriages and Battle with Endometriosis


Comedian Tiffany Haddish has revealed that she has suffered eight miscarriages amid her ongoing battle with endometriosis, with her most recent loss occurring last year. The 44-year-old actress shared her personal struggles with People magazine on Thursday, April 25.

Describing the experience as devastating, Haddish said, "It's like, I won't know why there's so much blood. And then I go to the doctor and they're like, 'Oh, you're miscarrying right now.' And I just D&C (dilation and curettage, a procedure to remove pregnancy tissue)."

Despite her struggles, Haddish remains hopeful and tries to take care of herself whenever she discovers she is pregnant, even if she is unsure about wanting the baby.

Currently celibate but dating multiple guys, Haddish is not certain about remarrying after her two divorces in 2011 and 2013 from ex-husband William Stewart. She expressed a desire to be a mother, stating, "I've got all this love, I should give it to somebody who can grow with it."

Haddish suffers from long, excruciating periods, fainting spells from the pain, and has undergone surgery to remove fibroids due to endometriosis, a chronic condition where the endometrium extends outside of the uterus, causing pelvic pain.

Despite the challenges, Haddish remains hopeful. She noted that the last two months have been better, with reduced pain and shorter periods. She attributed this improvement to working out more and hormone medication prescribed by her doctor.

Reflecting on her condition, Haddish remarked, "I'm pretty sure the devil is real...The pain is crazy. It feels like somebody is kicking me in my back." Despite these challenges, she remains optimistic about the future."

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