Beautiful Love story pt 3

After few years, Paul fell really sick and was admitted to hospital for weeks, lots of money was spent to revive his health but he eventually died.

Beautiful love story pt 2

Paul travelled out of the village and got a job almost immediately at a factory because of his hardworking nature. Lola and Paul only communicate through letters once in a month, after sometime she stop receiving letters from her husband.

Detective Thaddeus Ep 4. Final saga!

 Welcome to the final Episode for chapter 1 of our Crime thriller, detective Thaddeus, Enjoy!

“Hannah, where is my food?” He asked with a bit of anger in his voice. 

Detective Thaddeus Episode 3

Welcome to episode 3. 

Meanwhile, their father did not come home last night. This was not the first time he would spend the night out.

Detective Thaddeus Ep 2


Thaddeus! Thaddeus!!" Tonya screamed my name from the living room where all members of my family were watching the news, and it was a Saturday morning.


There’s a number of successful people which show that hard-work(working smart) is still one the surest ways