How do you know if you are socially awkward and how do you overcome it?

Have you ever been outside your social bond and felt so much like a stranger? If yes, this is the right article for you.

Firstly, know that awkwardness is inevitable and it happens to even the most sociable extroverts not because they do awkward things but because they felt so.

In simple words, social awkwardness is just the feeling of being uncomfortable in a social situation; whether tensed or not. It might be as a result of past occurrences or failures or maybe low esteem.

So...hang on, how to get to know if you are socially awkward with these few tips I will share and also how to get over it?

  • You find conversion difficult: you find conversations difficult not because you are a dummy and don't know what to say but because you don't feel yourself self and then mess up the conversation because you are not all in it. 
  • You tend to lose verbal articulation: people who suffer from social anxiety tend to mix up their words and expressions making conversations or presentations difficult for them, like BLOCK TALK.
  • This point is still closely related to the previous point.
  • You can tend to act impulsively sometimes because you are afraid of your own mistakes while focusing too much on yourself instead of your task, goal, and objectives.
  • You tend to overthink situations and feel nervous too.
  • However, social anxiety isn't the same as being introverted. It is peculiar to both introverts and extroverts. And you can get over it with time with these few tips I'll share quickly.
  • SOCIAL ANXIETY isn't a life sentence and with a good mindset you are on the right track already and that is exactly why you are reading this right now.
  • You should first admit you are suffering from social anxiety when you can resonate with the points stated earlier.
  • You should seek to be consistent with activities by facing the things that get you anxious, this way you get accustomed to them and you get to rid of the fear with time.
  •  Avoid focusing on yourself but on the task or gathering (what do I mean?) You make sure you are present.
  •  If it's a professional gathering or something, be sure to be prepared for likely questions of the field. You feel more confident when you are vast and knowledgeable.

Finally, seek professional helps and don't forget that: "No one worries about what you do as much as you do." And that is why the anxiety seems palpable because of the reaction you are giving out while everything is blowing up from within.

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