New Details Suggest Deliberate Act in MH370 Disappearance

Shocking new documents have surfaced regarding the doomed MH370 flight that vanished ten years ago today, suggesting last-minute changes were made to the flight, potentially indicating a deliberate act by the captain.

The flight plan revealed that an additional 3,000kg of fuel was added, along with extra oxygen supplied solely to the cockpit. Boeing 777 pilot Simon Hardy believes these details point to a premeditated plan by Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah to crash the plane.

Hardy noted that the added fuel would have allowed the pilot an additional 30 minutes of flying time, enabling him to crash the plane in daylight, which is considered optimal for a controlled ditching.

The Boeing 777 aircraft disappeared from radar while en route from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing on March 8, 2014. Satellite data indicated that the plane deviated from its flight path and likely crashed in the southern Indian Ocean.

The lack of oxygen in the back of the plane would have rendered the cabin crew and passengers unconscious, allowing the pilot to carry out his plan without interference.

Despite extensive search efforts, the wreckage of MH370 and the 239 people on board has never been found. Debris confirmed or believed to be from the aircraft has washed up along the African coast and on islands in the Indian Ocean.

The discovery of downward-facing flaps, used to reduce stalling speed, suggests a manual override, further supporting the theory of a deliberate act by someone with knowledge of aircraft operations.

The tragic incident continues to baffle experts and remains one of the greatest mysteries in aviation history.

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