Taylor Swift's Camp Upset Over Speculative NYT Op-Ed on Her Sexuality


The New York Times recently published an op-ed by writer Anna Marks, speculating on Taylor Swift's sexual orientation. The piece, titled "Look What We Made Taylor Swift Do," delves into moments Marks perceives as hints about Swift's potential LGBTQ+ identity throughout her career.

 Marks suggests that Swift's subtle clues, like "dropping hairpins," could signal her alignment with the queer community. However, Taylor Swift's camp seems displeased with the speculation. While Swift has been a strong ally to the LGBTQ+ community, she has never explicitly indicated anything other than heterosexual relationships, as her dating history reflects. 

A source close to Swift criticized the article, stating that such pieces wouldn't be allowed for male artists facing similar speculation. The source points out the invasive nature of such speculation, calling it inappropriate and untrue under the guise of an 'opinion piece.' While there have been think pieces about male pop stars' sexuality, the source emphasizes the need to respect boundaries and avoid unwarranted speculation.

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