Alan Fisher Shatters Hilda Baci's Guinness World Record

 Irish chef Alan Fisher has secured two impressive Guinness World Records, making headlines for his remarkable culinary achievements.

 Fisher, who operates an

Irish-themed restaurant in Matsue, Japan, accomplished the extraordinary feat of the longest cooking marathon (individual), breaking the previous record set by Nigerian chef Hilda Baci by more than 24 hours. His marathon cooking session lasted an astounding 119 hours and 57 minutes.

Reflecting on his incredible accomplishment, Fisher stated, "As fatigue started to take hold, I would find it more and more difficult to stay awake whenever I sat down to start peeling," referring to the 300kg of potatoes he peeled during the marathon. He even mentioned having a hallucination on the second-to-last day, highlighting the immense physical and mental challenges he faced.

But Fisher's record-breaking journey didn't end there. He also clinched the title for the longest baking marathon (individual), spending 47 hours and 21 minutes in the kitchen, surpassing the previous record held by Wendy Sandner from the USA, who had a time of 31 hours and 16 minutes.

In total, Alan Fisher's incredible efforts resulted in the creation of 357kg worth of soda bread and an astonishing 3,360 portions of food. His dedication and endurance were truly remarkable as he tackled both challenges consecutively, spending over 160 hours in the kitchen with just a little over a day of rest in between the two record-breaking attempts.

In recognition of Fisher's incredible achievements, former record holder Hilda Baci extended her heartfelt congratulations. Baci had previously set the record and caused a sensation in Nigeria with her closely followed world-record attempt, which inspired many in her country to pursue their own extraordinary feats. She had held the record for 93 hours and 11 minutes.

In response to Fisher's success, Baci wrote on social media, 
"Huge congratulations to Alan Fisher! 119 hrs 57mins is a huge achievement, and I wish him all the best as the new world record holder!"

 She expressed her gratitude for the support and love she received during her time as the record holder and graciously acknowledged Fisher's remarkable accomplishment.

Alan Fisher's incredible cooking and baking marathons have undoubtedly left their mark in the world of culinary records, inspiring and impressing people around the globe.

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