Pink Halts Concert as Fan Goes into Labour in Sydney

During a concert in Sydney, singer Pink paused her performance at the Allianz Stadium when concert attendees signaled that a fan had gone into labour. The expectant mother received immediate attention from a medic and was wheeled out of the mosh pit in a wheelchair, while waving to the crowd.

Pink, in the midst of singing 'Our Song,' was alerted to the situation on stage. Light-heartedly, she quipped, "Is it Alecia or Alex being born right now?"—a playful reference to her birth name, Alecia Beth Moore. She then humorously requested privacy for the mother-to-be and congratulated her upon receiving confirmation that the baby hadn't arrived yet.

Expressing her surprise, Pink remarked that 'Our Song' was the track that induced labour, joking that she had expected it to be one of her more upbeat hits like 'Get the Party Started' or 'Never Gonna Not Dance Again.'

Acknowledging the excitement of the moment, Pink wished the mother good luck before continuing with the concert. She also shared her excitement for the upcoming birth and assured the audience that everything would be great.

Pink's concert in Sydney marks her first Australian tour in nearly six years. Accompanying her on the tour are her husband, Carey Hart, and their two children, Willow and Jameson, who joined her in Australia ahead of the concert.

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