Unilever Nigeria's Approves Menstrual Leave For Female Employees


Unilever Nigeria, the longest-serving manufacturing company in the country, has reaffirmed its commitment to employees' well-being through a range of progressive policies aimed at supporting the diverse needs of its workforce. The Human Resources Director for Unilever West Africa, Mr. Ola Ehinmoro, highlighted the company's focus on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (ED&I) in a bid to maximize productivity and work-life balance.

The policies, centered on six core areas including Maternal and Paternal Leave, Menstrual Leave, Lactation & Crèche Facilities, Hybrid Working Model, People with Special Abilities, and Engagement Initiatives, are designed to meet the aspirations of the company's employees regarding their diverse needs and priorities, with special attention given to the female gender.

Unilever Nigeria offers generous maternity and paternity leave beyond legal requirements, with expectant mothers entitled to 16 weeks of maternity leave and fathers receiving 3 weeks of paternity leave. The company also provides onsite crèche and lactation rooms for nursing mothers to care for their babies while at work.

To support female employees during their menstrual period, Unilever Nigeria allows for a one-day menstrual leave. The company also implements a hybrid working structure, allowing employees to work three days on-site and two days remotely. This flexibility extends to all employees, with allowances provided to support remote work and offices equipped with digital tools for seamless collaboration.

Unilever Nigeria is committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace, with a strong emphasis on non-discrimination based on gender, race, color, or background. The company strives to be an equal opportunities employer and is dedicated to making its office environment disability-friendly, aiming to ensure 5% of its workforce are people with disabilities.

The company prioritizes employee engagement across all spheres of its operations, creating an environment where employees are encouraged to contribute meaningfully and add value to the organization and the broader community. Unilever Nigeria sets a benchmark for excellence in employee well-being, leading the way in the industry.

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