Renowned Mexican actor Adan Canto has passed away. Canto, known for his role in the 2014 hit movie 'X-Men,' succumbed to appendiceal cancer on Tuesday, as reported by Hollywood Reporter. He is survived by his wife, Stephanie Canto, and their two children, Roman Alder and Eve Josephine.
Expressing condolences, Fox TV took to Twitter on Wednesday, saying, "He’ll always be our Arman. ❤ Adan Canto, your memory will be cherished forever. We grieve alongside Adan’s family, friends, and fans."
Additionally, Warner Bros. Television, a prominent American television production and distribution studio, released a statement on Wednesday expressing deep sorrow: "We are heartbroken to learn of the passing of Adan Canto, a wonderful actor, and dear friend. We were honored to have him as part of the Warner Bros. Television and FOX Entertainment families with THE CLEANING LADY and THE FOLLOWING. We will miss Adan dearly."
Born in Ciudad Acuña, Coahuila, Mexico, Canto secured his first TV role in the Mexican series 'Estado de Gracia' in 2009. His contribution to the entertainment industry is remembered fondly, and his loss is deeply felt by colleagues, friends, and fans alike.
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